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与设计师Michael Kors畅谈MICHAEL KORS COLLECTION 2019春季系列

2018-09-17 15:27 来源:pclady 作者:Sophie

  PCLADY专访Michael Kors

  与MICHAEL KORS COLLECTION 2019春季系列一同启程,拥抱明媚阳光,并与MICHAEL KORS设计师Michael Kors畅谈其设计初衷及本季的设计灵感。


Michael Kors

  “我一直秉承一个理念: 时尚可以影响一个人,也可以改造一个人。这无穷的潜力,能够使你在一瞬间改头换面,从你的心情乃至你的生活。时尚可以帮助你发掘自我以及内心想要成为的对象。”

——Michael Kors

  如果你以为设计师Michael Kors在设计事业的态度,也如同其个人风格着装一般简约随意(一条牛仔裤、黑色T恤夹克外套和褶皱的皮包),那么就错了。他为顾客提供的配饰以及成衣,始终亮丽、时尚而又穿着舒适,同时又是性感与动感相互交织的魅力缩影。Michael Kors已经建立了一个持久性与标志性并存的奢侈品帝国,并且他拥有鲜明的理念以及全球影响力。

  Michael Kors出生在长岛(Long Island)的梅瑞克(Merrick)(一个距离纽约23英里的郊区城镇)Michael Kors的第一次崭露头角是在他五岁时,他对他的母亲第二次婚礼要穿着的婚纱提出了建议。Kors曾在曼哈顿的时装技术学院学习时装设计。1981年,Kors离开学校,在他的作品被Lothar赞誉之后,Kors开始在纽约的西57街的引领时尚精品店创造属于自己的品牌。1984年秋季,Michael Kors个人的首场时装秀成功举办,在回顾中,WWD称他的设计为“高端,经典休闲系列”同时“简约而不失优雅”。



  What is your inspiration of this new season?


Michael Kors:

  This collection is all about escape and optimism. I think everyone dreams of turquoise water, blue skies, sunshine and romance. I think fashion has to bring joy, and ultimately that was my inspiration for this season, a burst of joy from me to you.

  (MICHAEL KORS COLLECTION 2019春季系列主题是环球旅行,逃离都市生活,积极向上的生活态度。我认为每个人都梦想着碧海、蓝天、阳光与浪漫,每个人都在追求快乐。时尚应该为大家带来快乐,这也是我这一季的设计灵感,将从我身上迸发出来的快乐带给大家。)


  How do you describe your brand?


Michael Kors:

  The Michael Kors brand is about chic, luxurious sportswear designed for the modern jet-setter. Our customers come to us because they want to dress for speed and ease but they don’t want to sacrifice glamour or quality. People need clothes and accessories that can keep up with their lives and always look great, and that’s what we offer.

  (MICHAEL KORS的设计理念——Jet Set,是一种奢华、时尚而充满自信的生活态度。人们可以随时随地准备出发,随时在路途上,不论走到哪里都可以时尚优雅。我们的消费者想要轻松、快速地打造时尚舒适的造型,但又同时追求迷人魅力与产品质量,消费者需要紧跟时代与生活的、时髦有型的服饰与配饰,而这些就是MICHAEL KORS所一直为消费者提供的。)


  When did you first realize you wanted to pursue a career as a designer?


Michael Kors:

  Fashion was always my passion. I was very opinionated about style when I was young, and became the shopping companion for my mother and grandmother. I had relatives working in the textile business and my mother worked as a model, so fashion was in my blood. In high school, I would doodle and sketch all the time – I just knew I would be a designer.



  How is working in fashion industry different today from when you started out?


Michael Kors:

  Fashion is always a reflection of the times. It’s always current and it’s always alive. Over the years, I’ve seen all the rules broken – sequins for day, pants for night, sneakers for work, anything goes, and I love it. What I find most interesting today is that the world is moving faster than ever before, and that’s having two different effects on fashion. On the one hand, you have the idea of sportswear – of clothes that function and keep up with everyday life but still look great. But also, people are looking to fashion for an escape from the everyday – they want clothes and pieces that make them smile, that bring a breath of fresh air into the wardrobe, and that have an artisanal feel. That’s what has made fashion so important nowadays.



  What role do you think social media plays in fashion industry today?


Michael Kors:

  The fashion industry is constantly evolving, and it’s more democratic than ever now that people have access to runway shows and designers through social media – which I think is great. It has made fashion much more global. When I first started, we made different clothes for Chicago and LA. But social media has globalized fashion to such a point that if a bag works in Rio, it also works in China and London and Spain.

  (时尚产业在不断发展,人们可以通过社交媒体接触时装秀和设计师,这比以往任何时候都更加民主——我认为这很赞,这种方式让时尚变得更加全球化。我刚开始设计MICHAEL KORS的时候,为芝加哥和洛杉矶提供不同的符合当地需求的服装。但社交媒体已经将时尚全球化到:如果一个手袋在里约热内卢行得通卖得好,那么它在中国、伦敦和西班牙也没问题。)


  What is your favorite part of being a designer?


Michael Kors:

  I’ve always loved fashion and I’ve always loved clothes. To be able to travel, take the inspiration that I find in the world and harness it into a runway collection is amazing.



  How do you want women to feel when they wearing your clothes?


Michael Kors:

  My goal has always been to make women feel confident the minute they step into one of my designs – to give them simple solutions for looking and feeling like their best self.

  (我的目标一直都是,为穿着MICHAEL KORS的女性带来无限自信,轻松做最好的自己。)


  What trends do you currently see in the fashion industry?


Michael Kors:

  I think fashion is moving towards a more personal look, toward clothes and accessories that work for your own life and your mood. It’s all about embracing your personal style and being your best self.



  What is your greatest strength? How does it help you become a fashion designer?


Michael Kors:

  I have empathy for my customer and that’s a big thing. A lot of designers don’t put themselves in the consumer’s place and, as a designer, I believe it’s very important to think about how your designs are going to make your customers feel.



  What skills are important for a successful fashion designer?


Michael Kors:

  I think the most important thing for a young designer is to spend time in the shops and on the street. Before ever thinking about creating a collection, designers should spend time with their customers and see what they are buying, what they’re not buying, where they are traveling to, and what do they do for a living. If you lock yourself in the studio, you might be making clothes that look beautiful but they won’t get worn out in the world.


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关键词:服饰   MK   2019   纽约时装周   专访
